Archive for Farm

Summer Farm Update

Friends, thanks for all your prayers and support. Busy planting as we wait for the long rains. Some of our teachers have also joined us. Be blessed.

Pig Shed Expansion Project

Our team has been very busy trusting God for the ongoing work at Rafiki despite coronavirus pandemic. A lot of old projects are being rehabilitated. One of our larger projects is the expansion of the pig sheds. We now have eight (8) females and within the next several months, they will start giving birth to little ones. Please consider supporting us with any amount for this pig shed expansion project. Our budget is $2,000. In God we trust.

Rafiki family plants flowers

The Rafiki family and kids have been planting flowers during the holidays among other activities to beautify their space. Reverend John Nganga thanks everyone for all of your prayers and support.

Rafiki Youth Farm Volunteer Day

Thirteen of the Rafiki youth volunteered to work on the farm for a day on March 2, 2013. A big thanks goes out to Peris Gakunga for motivating and coordinating the group. Here are some photos of the day’s work.

The 13 Rafiki kids who volunteered for a day on the farm.

The 13 Rafiki kids who volunteered for a day on the farm.

Preparing the area for planting new crops.

Preparing the area for planting new crops.

Rafiki kids working hard maintaining the crops.

Rafiki kids working hard maintaining the crops.

Rafiki kids tend to the crops.

Rafiki kids tend to the crops.

Fish Farming: the Tilapia Pond

Last August we reported the initiation of the Galantowicz Family Fish Farm, into which had just been placed 1000 tiny Tilapia minnows. They have spent the year feeding on the natural algae in the pond as well as some home grown fish food that is nutrient rich from a combination of commercial feed and local Rafiki nutrients. And look at them now! They are ready for harvest and ready for sale. Hopefully this can become a new source of income for the Ministry.

Upgrade in the Culinary Arts

A plate of prepared rice, vegetables, and other foods

Members of the August travel group were treated to some great culinary treats. Agnes Nyakio, a Rafiki Catering student, working with Geoffrey, who is interested in becoming a chef, transformed quality ingredients into a true gourmet meal. Serving was perfect and rivaled the Carnivore for elegance.

February 2011 Update

Eight-week old tomato plants in a tent

When we visited in February 2011, a brand new greenhouse had been erected just north of the clinic. While empty at the time, this holds great promise for Rafiki, since crops can be planted and controlled regarding moisture, temperature, and protected from pests that attack our crops. Tomatoes are a popular crop to grow in these conditions, but many more can be grown. When we toured the greenhouse in August it was clear that, after only eight weeks, the plants are thriving. While we are at the mercy of market prices for any vegetables we grow, it looks like this technology holds promise.