About Us

Isaiah 6:8 I heard the voice of the Lord, saying ‘Whom shall I send, And who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here Am I! Send me.” NKJV

The Marafiki Global AIDS Ministry, Inc. was founded in 1995 by the Reverend Dr. John Mungai Nganga while serving as Resident Chaplain for Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. “Marafiki––a word meaning ‘many friends’ in Swahili––stands for friends who are willing to love you unconditionally, irrespective of your color or religion, through your ups and downs, to lend a hand, to be there for you. Everyone needs a friend, but to those in crisis it can mean the strength to meet each day with renewed hope,” stated Reverend Nganga.

The Rafiki Children’s Center opened in Kikuyu Town, Kenya, Africa in 1998. This was the beginning of a journey to help some of the millions of children in Kenya, East Africa, who were left orphans when their parents died of AIDS. Rev. Nganga explained, “Most of these kids come to us helpless and on the verge of going into an early marriage or a life on the streets, but by giving them a chance for an education, and a new family, we have the power to give them hope.

“After initially renting a house,
when funds became available from various sources,” he SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTUREScontinued, “we purchased land, began the construction of dormitories, dining hall, medical clinic, and plans were made for building a Technical School, underway at this time. We are very thankful for the organizations, churches and our many friends from across the USA and around the world who have sponsored the many fundraising events or have sent donations for specific areas of need at the Rafiki Children’s Centre.

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